Friday, January 23, 2009

64. Investment

This is something Jerry Seinfeld said in 1990, which in the wake of this liquidity crisis seems so true and common-sensical. 

JERRY: I'm not an investor. People always tell me, you should have your money working for you. I've decided I'll do the work. I'm gonna let the money relax. You know what I mean? 'Cause you send your money out there - working for you - a lot of times, it gets fired. You go back there, "What happened? I had my money. It was here, it was working for me." "Yeah, I remember your money. Showing up late. Taking time off. We had to let him go."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

@Abhay where was this article from. Thats an interesting note btw. Seems to have suffered a lot :)