The wise men say,it is always better to tell the truth. When you are hiding a certain something from a person (can be for various reasons) , it is said that telling the Truth will unburden you , give you peace of mind. The very reason you may be hiding a secret ( a bad phrase ! ) is because of the feeling of uneasiness and the uncertainty with which the other person would respond upon revealing the secret. Mind you, I reiterate that the reasons behind keeping a secret are best known only to you, so you are the best judge of the situation and no one is in a better position than you to take the decision. Doesn’t matter what the wise men say, you need to have the power to keep or reveal a secret after weighing the pros and cons of it and also primarily after you have evaluated whether the other person will be able to handle it or not.
As Jack Nicholson says in the courtroom during the movie “A few Good men” - “You want the Truth, You cant HANDLE the Truth !!!” Now here is a big time issue, how can you make a decision for someone else ? Is it alright to decide for another person without letting him/her know ? One may say that it depends on the kind of secret , the circumstances and the current situation. That is precisely the point right !! Taking all these factors into account (or a few of ‘em , whichever is relevant ) , it is you who get to do what feels right. There may be a cloud of uncertainty around, getting it cleared will be a major task. Talking to people whom you confide in helps, but it’s only through retrospection that you can have a satisfying answer. Think, re-think about it till a rational conclusion is arrived at.
Some secrets are taken to the grave. WHY ? If people always confessed and told their secrets out loud , the world would not be the way it is today. If Bush says “ I want a lot of OIL, those Iraqi bastards aint givin it to me , so I’ll fuck them and yank every drop of OIL outta their balls !” , think of what will happen……I cant even imagine . But this is an open secret. There are secrets which remain in the back of our heads, they do come to the fore front once in a while, we think it out, give our heads a little strain and decide its best it remains a secret and push it back to where it came from.
Actually me calling it secret is in itself not doing justice to the topic I am writing about. It would be better if I would call it “Concealment of Impactable Knowledge” . Because the word “secret” gives you a pre conceived notion which is already in our heads c/o films and TV…..It has a certain negativity, an element of unpleasantness attached to it.
1 week ago
1 comment:
very true......I believe everyone lives their life in phases.....a lotta times we depend on others (family , friends)for advice.....but finally a phase comes when we REALIZE its our own call n that ONLY we can judge the situation best...(related to confessions...) .........
I still wonder how it feels like to confess in the church...... !!!!
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