Self Absorbedness -> what has it got to do with the character of a person.Can this one trait speak volumes about a certain person?Is it wrong to be self absorbed? What do I mean when I say "self-absorbed".I actually am referring to the condition of being preoccupied with your own thoughts,that you hardly even listen to the person conversing with you.There is'nt an ounce of interest you show towards the guy/gal who is sitting and patiently listening , especially 'actively' listening to all that you have to dish out.You know, to make such a one-sided,one person dominated non-conversation, it takes a "Listener" on the receiving end.And here I arrive at the core point of this discussion.Who can be a "Listener"? What does it take to be a Listener? With all the people being too self absorbed and involved in doling their hearts out and expressing their troubles, good Listeners are always required to make a conversation a possibility.I feel being a Listener is a part of or rather should be a part of one's personality.This I say because social relations are formed and maintained on the basis of personal confrontations followed by conversations. If a conversation is'nt getting interesting,you initially try to make it lively.If this doesnt seem to work, then it's better off to get into the role of the "Listener".I tell you,it's the safest role to assume.People always keep saying "I am sorry,I should not have said it that way when we met" or "Why did i say that, i am a dumb fool to have spoken like that". If you are a listener, you dont have any such worries.The power of "not saying" something is huge , one whose magnitude cant be judged.Being the Listener, I get to hear all the thoughts, the opinions and thus evaluate the personality whereas I shield myself from everyone, without giving them a a chance to have a peek into my mind.So, I stay in my comfort zone, getting a peak into the minds of all others.Believe me, there are benefits of being a "Listener". :)
1 week ago
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