This title seems weird, like some proverb taken from a fable book. But when u come to think of it, there’s an amazing amount of information that it doles out, depending on the way you look at it. The very fact that you don’t know about a certain thing or a certain happening is a “blessing in disguise”, because that’s the way it’s meant to be, or that’s the way your life has been designed(I am getting kinda philosophical over here).Once you are aware/conscious about all the aspects of a certain activity, then you weigh the pros and cons a million times before you finally do it. You would have gone on and simply done it without any fuss if you were not aware of the event’s externalities. Let me give you an example. Remember the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during ww2? Who can forget that? The U.S ‘s pride was hurt real bad due to the destructive attack by the Japanese forces at Pearl Harbor, hence it decided to produce nuclear weapons. A big team of scientists was formed, a lot of funds pooled up to conduct extensive experimentation and produce a “destructive wonder”. After viewing the results of a few experiments after a few months of research, the leader of the team of scientists(say a Mr.Roger) realized that what he was going to create was a “weapon of immense mass destruction”. He tried to think of the repercussions it would have on the people who would be hit by this “demon”. He could not digest the fact that millions of people would have an impaired life because of his creation. So, Roger was in a dilemma ,on one hand he had worked so hard for many months, in his area of interest, which had given him a lot of joy. But, he was also aware of the fact that he would be creating a “monster” ,which would be unleashed on millions of harmless people.Initially,Roger thought that even if he would quit , there would always be someone else to fill his place and achieve the goal assigned. The completion of a research to a scientist is just like giving birth to a child for a woman. Several months of relentless hard work goes into achieving the final result and the joy, which they get after the job is done is immense. Roger wanted to continue research, but finally decided to quit because he did not want to be remembered as the man behind this devious man made creation . He stuck to his ethics and quit the job. He also tried to persuade his team mates to quit, but they did not, because they were not able to visualize the impact of what they were doing on the world. In their case, the fact that they were unable to perceive the destructive power of their creation enabled them to continue with the research. Roger tried to go public, explaining the direction in which the research was heading in, but he was mysteriously killed in a freak lab accident.Here we had Roger, totally aware of the externalities of his work, which put him in a fix, made his life miserable and finally led to a mysterious death, may be due to mental instability or due to the whim of higher powers. The point is that had he not thought of the repercussions of his work, but silently carried on his research, then he would have been a rich man, and who knows probably still alive.This was a very heavy example, but a very important one for you to analyze. We also hear the cricket commentators say during crunch situations “Players should just play their natural game and not think much about the present situation”. Why do they say this? This is because the more thinking done evaluating the match situation, more will be the pressure created due to the evaluation, which will lead to a lot tensions. Hence, it is very less likely that a pressurized, tense person will perform. On the contrary, a certain player who focuses only on his game and is also sub-consciously aware of how to handle the crunch situation will end up on the winner’s side. This is the way the human psyche (thought process) works.Why aren’t small children afraid of walking on thin walls or climbing trees or teasing stray dogs?????? That’s because they are blissfully unaware of the fears associated with these events. Once they get to know of the risks and dangers involved, they’ll be cautious and will always evaluate the risk involved before going on to do something.The same is the case with all of us. We remain blissfully unaware of so many things/events happening around us, because we try not to consider it as a part of our system/scheme of things. There is a tendency to deliberately remain unaware of certain issues, thereby not feeling guilty/irresponsible while doing such stuff. Every situation/happening has a number of parameters associated with it. Only if you know that a situation has some parameters will you begin to think and evaluate the situation, right!!! Life is a wonderful experience, we learn about the various parameters during the journey, thereby making us more evaluative and in short, more vulnerable.There is a certain pattern, a certain history behind every activity/event that is happening and that will happen. The inability to interpret the pattern a certain event follows contributes to it’s randomness or it being called “Random”. If something is random, then it means that the pattern of it’s functionality has not been discovered as yet. Sounds weird huh!!!! But give this some thought and you will find the answers to many of the unanswered questions.As for events with existing patterns, there is no way to say that the pattern it’s associated with is the only comprehensive one describing it’s features. There is a lot about nature that we are unaware of and we are slowly but steadily trying to figure the various mysteries it has to offer. We are steadily increasing or broadening our horizon and reaching closer to the absolute truth. There is a great saying and it goes like this - “we are always moving from the “lesser truth” towards the “greater truth”, not from the wrong to the right”. I don’t know who said this but it sure does make a lot of sense.
1 week ago
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