You know the feeling when you feel that time is rushing by and you are desperate to cling on to those moments of effervescence which you experience along the way. Well, this aint that. Quite the opposite actually. Literally opposite. I'm in the state where I want time to rush by faster than it already is. Have I gone nuts? Why would anyone be desperate to get old quicker? Isn't it against all the 'look\feel younger' ad campaigns which we are fed 24*7 on the idiot box?
This state of mind has been superbly captured in this one classic phrase from Mr.OK - 'Khatam karo saala, jaldi khatam karo sab'. It's the cry of impatience. Of the inability to cope with all the garbage that the world is dishing out at you. Of the transition from calling everyone uncle to being called uncle by everyone. Of the societal pressures to tie the knot, play the slot and have babies that glot. Of the innumerable number of expectations that you have to meet on both the personal and professional front. Of the inability to juggle between two modes of existence: One - being treated like a kid and Two - being expected to behave like an adult.
Naturally, escaping to a new environment is the only solution that one sees when one is subjected to such a multitude of conflicts. Or the alternative is to rationalize oneself into believing that a better time is yet to come. And it is in this scenario that one wants time to fly by for the better times to come by quicker. Well, having an irrational expectation like this without any action backing it is surely bound to bomb(as a wise guy once said - 'where is the action?'). However, letting the fleeting glimpses go past you at light speed seems the only elixir to come out alive(mentally) and so you take that route.
Note - This is just mental masturbation on paper. Don't try to read between the lines. The lines seem self-explanatory I suppose.